Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Word Vomitting...

I didn't go to college today because I was too lazy to go there. Haha! There are several reasons why I didn't come today.
I'm too lazy to woke up early in the morning *like always*, but I suddenly forced my self to wake up and go to the bathroom. But then, When I poop, I got a problem with my digestive system. And I bet you already know what I mean... Haha!

I supposed to have anthropology class and accounting class today. But I've planned to attend the anthropology class only because I have to go home soon because I have to get ready for incubus's concert tonight. Plus, my university has a policy that allow student to not attend the classes on the first week of new semester. It means that the first week of every new semester all students are considered attending the class even if we are absent. Since I have a problem with my digestive system and that university policy , so why should I bother going to campus ????? And then I got back to sleep. :D

After my last relationship, I promise my self not to have another relationship with any other guy. My last relationship was okay *no, not with you, dutch bastard! I've moved on!!!!*
ehhm sorry for the bad words. Yeah my last relationship with this guy was really okay. It was a relationship with a guy from my highschool. But the thing was I realized that I wasn't ready for another relationship. I've had enough with it. SERIOUSLY.
the good thing is me and my ex from my highschool are still friend.
Now I'm being care less of everything that related to guy thing. For me they're all the same.

Okay, I'm done vomiting my words now.
I really can't wait for the concert tonight. Yeaaah Brandon Boydd, can wait to meet youuu! Haha. :D
I'll tell you about the concert tomorrow. See Ya!

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